
Blog Image
August 11, 2021

Research: The First Step in B2B Sales

B2B stands for Business-to-Business.It describes a connection between organizations that exchange goods, services, and products to meet their business goals. For example, organizations provide various products like CRM to other organization

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August 11, 2021

7 Top skills to nurture your existing customers!

Either you are a human resource executive, sales representative, or job hunter, you need to have a great idea about customer service skills. Think of customer service skills as the hidden ingredient of your favorite ice cream.

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August 10, 2021

Can Sales Tools replace Sales Representatives?

Sale is a process which is being followed for years now. But many revolutions have happened in business time by time, which has ultimately brought changes in the sales and sales tools. These revolutions have changed the way of selling products, but the heart of sales remains the same.

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August 10, 2021

Big Announcement! Salescamp CRM is now live on the Apple app store.

We are super excited to announce that we have finally launched our Salescamp CRM’s iOS application. The idea of making such application handy was roaming in and around

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August 10, 2021

Customer Engagement: Does it only mean to meet and attract customers?

Research suggests that you can generate 23% more revenue if your Customer is engaged with your brand.We live in a world where customers expect brands to provide meaningful and practical experiences in real-time.

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August 10, 2021

Defined sales process to get a result from zero to thousands of dollars in Sales.

How to transform a lead into a closed client?‍Well, honestly, there is no specific recipe to achieve it. But there are a few most believed tactics. One of which is the Sales Process! Now, what this rosy-sounding Sales Process is? You might be wondering. So, Let's get into this. 

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August 10, 2021

Sales: Focus on the solution, not on a product.

Are you interested in purchasing a product or interested in solving your problems? Then, the answer will be a solution.Humans tend to find a solution to their problems. It can be related to their personal life as well as business. But, they are in a race to find a solution—a way to tackle their problems.

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August 10, 2021

Four ways of increasing the sales productivity

How productive your sales representatives are? Are they distributing their work bucket in a way where they can increase their productivity, or do they engage themselves more on the tedious and non-productive work?

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August 10, 2021

How to manage the sales process without losing any deal?

One quote I remember that my boss told me once when I was working as a sales representative in one organization. He said, "You can reach the closure of any deal only if you have proper knowledge about the sales process." I was not so curious at that time